Thursday, 21 May 2009


Hi guys!
Do you know the song Viva la Vida by Coldplay? I love it and it was the soundtrack of my last English lesson...sooooo sad!!! But let's reflect on it! I never thought about the meaning of this song but we did it in class and I think it was really interesting! If you don't know the song here you have the complete text!

What do you think? I think that the meaning of the song is really complicated and well hidden! However, my interpretation is that the song is about SUCCESS! When you are a successful person you are like a king, but success is something changeable and it stands 'upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand'. Success is linked to corruption, people who want to manipulate you and enemies who wait for your errors too. The only persons that can help you are those who really love you. They are the only ones who can be your 'mirror, sword and shield', they are like missionaries in the foreign world of corruption. I think that the song ends with a glimmer of hope because now the protagonist is aware of the negative sides of success and can redeem himself.

I think that this interpretation is linked to my personal vision of success ;) However, there are so many different interpretations of the text even if not an official one! Some people think it is about the fall of Satan, or the French Revolution, or the decline of the Church (here you can find a complete range of interpretations I 'stole' from my professor's blog ;)). One interpretation I particularly like is the one about love given by a friend of mine, Mario. You can go on his blog and read it because it's really beautiful ;-)



1 comment:

  1. Dear Elisabetta, I absolutely love your interpretation of the song. It's one I hadn't heard yet and it's interesting and well-founded. You have been a fantastic student and I wish you all the best. I too am sad as this is my last class for the next three years.
    Take care,
    p.s. You've become an excellent blogger so if you're up to it, keep it up!
