Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Reflective blogging: my PLE is a galaxy

Hi guys!

..he he..I know what you are thinking: What is this scheme with all these stars and arrows? I introduce the mindmap of my Personal Learning Environment to you ;) I decided to divide and represent it as a GALAXY because I think that my learning environment is like a night sky composed by a constellation of stellar elements. They are all fundamental and necessary to enlighten the night of ignorance that characterizes a mind without knowledge! Today I am so poetic, don't you think? May be this is because I'm studying for my exam of Medieval English Literature ;-)

First of all, I'd like to explain what a PLE is. Indeed, there are many definitions and interpretations of this concept. If you are curious about them, my English professor Sarah gave us a complete and exaustive explanation in her blog post. In simple words, my personal interpretation is that a Personal Learning Environment is the whole of techniques, approaches and technologies we use to increase our knowledge. So, a PLE is very 'personal' and is different from person to person because our minds work in sooooo many different ways!

About my mindplan, I'm aware that it's a bit complicated but don't worry I'm going to explain it to you. As you can see, the first main division is between FORMAL and INFORMAL learning. Indeed, my learning is linked both to a more institutional context, for example at university, and to a more informal context, such as my everyday life. This first binary division is then developed like a mirror. Indeed, my formal and informal learning are composed by the same stellar elements: People, Places, Acting and Gathering information.

People that help me for my formal learning are my professors, classmates, colleagues and more in general all the people I meet in an institutional context. On the other hand, my informal learning is linked to my family, friends, and all the people I meet in my everyday life.

The most important Places for my formal learning are the university, my (actual and future) job-field and virtual places as the Internet. This latter is also fundamental for my informal learning that is composed by my home and the places I can see travelling and where I live too.

My Acting has some common features for formal and informal learning: speaking, reading, writing, listening. Moreover, my formal acting is linked to exams and presentations, while my informal acting is characterized by activities such as chatting, blogging and using Skype.

I divided the Gathering Information Star into two parts: physical and virtual. The physical part is totally different for formal and informal learning. Indeed, formal learning involves notes, books, conferences and dictionaries; while my informal learning is linked to more unconventional means such as TV, radio and music and newspapers. About the virtual part, formal and informal learning are strongly linked. Indeed, the Internet, Web 2.0, Del.icio.us, Wiki pages, blogs and forums can contain both authoritative and more informal information. For this reason, I considered them both formal and informal way of learning.

Now you know almost everything about how my mind work ;-) What do you think about my scheme? I made two new discoveries during its construction! I learned that you can 'draw' these kind of maps by using Freemind or Microsoft Publisher . I opted for Publisher because I think it's simpler and allows you to use different symbols, and because I needed STARS ;-)

I think this is my last Reflective Blogging as homework and this is really sad :-( But don't worry because I'm going to continue using this blog because I really looooove it!


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